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February 2022 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 27 February 2022


Advanced Course: Natural Resource Governance and Energy Transition: Policies and Practice
Applications are open until 10 April for this year's advanced online resource governance course, held in partnership with ETH NADEL. Officials, parliamentarians, academics, executives, journalists and civil society actors working in oil and gas or mining sector governance are encouraged to apply here. Financial support is available. 

State-Owned Enterprises Pose Challenges to Standard Compliance Measures
In this post for the FCPA Blog, Tom Shipley and NRGI's Alexandra Gillies describe the unique corruption risks that arise when international extractive companies partner with state oil, gas and mining enterprises. 

New Podcast: Energy Espresso
NRGI's Laury Haytayan is the host of Energy Espresso, a new UNDP Lebanon podcast on the status and future of energy in Lebanon. This month, she hosted Carol Ayat, energy and project finance specialist; Pierre El Khoury of the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation; engineering professor Marc Haddad, and energy expert Karim Osseiran. (The podcast is in Arabic, with English subtitles in the YouTube recordings.)

Blog posts

Governing Africa’s Extractive Resources in Uncertain Times: Perspectives from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe

NRGI's Moses Kulaba spoke with six participants in the Africa Regional Extractive Industries Knowledge Hub course to find out more about what the energy transition means for development in Africa, and how to achieve good governance.

Gestion des revenus pétroliers et gaziers au Sénégal : trois propositions pour améliorer le projet de loi
With two major oil and gas projects under development and a third close to a final investment decision, Senegal continues to strengthen its legal and institutional framework to ensure that its nascent oil and gas sector is well governed. This French-language post explores three potential improvements to the country's draft law. 

Les enjeux et défis de la gouvernance du contenu local au Mali : Entretien avec un acteur de la société civile malienne
Twenty years of mining in Mali have not led to significant benefits for its citizens. In this French-language interview, NRGI's Lucain Nyassi Tchakounte explores government responses and next steps on local content with Nouhoum Diakité, Publish What You Pay Mali's coordinator and alumnus of NRGI's Francophone Africa resource governance summer school.

Perú y Colombia: propuestas para lograr una reactivación económica justa y sostenible
This Spanish-language post discusses the proposal by La Plataforma de la Sociedad Civil para una Reactivación Sostenible en Perú y Colombia (PLARS) for alternative forms of development for resource-dependent economies, with an emphasis on the energy transition, and fair and sustainable development and governance.


The Path to a Just and Sustainable Economic Recovery in Colombia

>The Path to a Just and Sustainable Economic Recovery in Peru

The governments of Peru and Colombia are aware of the importance of the extractive sector in the recovery of their economies to overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic. Organized civil society sees this situation as a major challenge and proposes alternatives to ensure a fair economic recovery that respects the environment and citizens. In these videos, the Platform for Sustainable Recovery and its partner organizations in Colombia and Peru tell us about their visions and proposals for a change of course in economic recovery. (View Spanish-language versions of the Peru and Colombia clips.)

NRGI in the news and on the web

Why Uganda is investing in oil despite pressures to go green
BBC News

National Oil Companies Leaning into the Energy Transition
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Why is gender still off the agenda of mining companies?
Responsible Mining Foundation

Resource-Backed Loans in Sub-Saharan Africa
World Bank